
From Harlon City Server

The Harlon Underground is one of 4 of the major rail networks in Harlon. It currently operates 7 lines, with an 8th under construction. These lines are: Celcius, Circle, District, Hamperton and City, Millenium, Metropolitan, Piccadilly, Queenvic, and the River Line (under construction). Major hubs of the Underground include Stockholm Street and Parliament Square. All lines are automated except for the Queenvic.

Celcius Line

The Celcius Line has many different terminals and branches. Typically, trains will go from Epping to North Olympia, however some trains will terminate at Ruislip, Elstree Broadway, Oldbury Park, Heynoult, or Stoneford. This line has many important stops, including Stockholm St, Aldrington, Epping, Stratford, and Sergel's Sq.

District Line

The District Line, like the Celcius Line, has many different branches and terminals. Trains terminate at Upminster, Edward Rd, Arena (Olympia), Wimblerton, Sudbury Town, or Elstree Broadway. Important stops on the line include Upminster, Upminster Forest, Copenhagen Street, and Parliament Square.

Circle Line

As it's name suggests, the Circle Line loops around Harlon, unlike the other lines on the Underground. Trains make important stops at Aldgate, Parliament Sq, Belton St, North Av, Queen's Cross, and Stockholm St.

River Line

The River Line is still under construction, however, it should open soon. Once completed and opened to the public, the trains will run from Waterloo to Edminton, making important stops at Faybury Park, Queen's Cross, Parliament Sq, and Waterloo.