HL:HarlonTransit Line M5

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Metro Line 5

Metro Line 5 is an upcoming Metro Line that will Link Seaporte on the Island of Southside to The Triangle on Main Island via Westlyn Island serving many core landmarks and neighborhoods along the way such as Seregels Square, and Johnson Park

List Of Stations

Caption text
Name Connections Points of Interest
Seaporte Docks HT Ferries Seaporte Docks
Seaporte Junction C2,HN,Bus 26 Portsfield Factories
Johnson Park Bus services Johnson Parks
Times Square M4 (future),Bus 26 Times Square
Southbank Circus M2 Southbank Circus
Oakmont Plaza None Harlonian Stock Exchange, Oakmont Plaza
Folyopart Road HT Ferries (Sylta line) Great Market Hall
Seregels Square C1,C2,M3,HN,Bus 26 Arcade,Parkour,Seregels Mall
The Triangle M1,M2 The Triangle