Gov:Constitution of Harlon
The Constitution of Harlon is the current constitution of the State of Harlon as of November 1st, 2022. This document was created by the Constituent Assembly of Harlon, and was enacted by the referendum held during the October General Election of 2022.
The Constitution
WHEREAS the people of Harlon have lived united for a common purpose, WHEREAS the people of Harlon have expressed their desire for peace, democracy, and freedom, WHEREAS the people of Harlon have expressed the need for a Supreme Law of governance, WHEREAS, on the 29th day of September, in the year two-thousand and twenty-two, the representatives of the Parliament of Harlon, on behalf of the people of Harlon have approved this Constitution, WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of October, in the year two-thousand and twenty-two, the people of Harlon have approved this Constitution through a national referendum, NOW, THEREFORE, PARLIAMENT, on the 1st day of November in the year two-thousand and twenty-two, HEREBY PROCLAIMS this Constitution to serve as a guide for the people of Harlon, now and in the future, to achieve their aspirations, and to establish a permanent Union on the continent of Harlon.
Article I - The Federation
1) The Federation of Harlon is a sovereign, federal State, consisting of the entire continent of Harlon and all outlying islands. 2) The capital of the Federation shall be located in the Free City of Harlon. 3) The unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Federation are inviolable. a) All territorial waters, inland, and sea, shall be under the control of the Government of Harlon. 4) The Federation shall be a representative democracy, with the will of the people honoured, and the rights of minorities respected. 5) The official language of the Federation shall be English. States shall have the power to establish their own official languages, and the Federation shall recognise other languages as necessary.
Article II - The Government
1) The Government of Harlon shall consist of the Executive Council, which shall be led by the Prime Minister, and contain Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister to administer specific Government ministries. 2) The Prime Minister shall be the Head of the Government. 3) The Prime Minister and all other Members of the Executive Council must be Members of Parliament. 4) The Government shall be charged with the administration of the Federation. 5) The Government shall maintain the confidence of the Parliament at all times. The Government of Harlon shall continue to function after Parliament is dissolved, and after elections until a new Government is formed.
Article III - The Parliament
The Parliament of Harlon shall consist of the Crown, the Senate, and the House of Assembly. 1) His Majesty Antlucl I Rex shall serve as the King of the Harlonians. If he can no longer serve the Crown, the Senate shall appoint a single King or Queen to serve as Monarch. a) The Crown shall grant Royal Assent to all pieces of legislation before they may become law. State Governors or other State Heads may grant Royal Assent on the Monarch's behalf within their jurisdiction. 2) The Senate shall be the upper house, and consist of Senators appointed by the Monarch. 3) The House of Assembly shall be the lower house and the House of Government. At least every six months, it shall be elected by universal suffrage by all residents of the Federation using a closed-list proportional representation system. Constituencies shall be determined by future Acts of Parliament. a) The Crown, on the advice of the Prime Minister, shall have the ability to dissolve Parliament at any time and call elections. b) Parliament shall be dissolved at least three weeks before each election. 4) Parliament has the exclusive right to regulate Commerce including imports and exports, establish a Criminal Code, raise and support armed forces, suppress insurrections and repel invasions, conduct foreign affairs and relations, coin money, and collect taxes. a) Parliament shall distribute taxes to States in accordance with their needs at a rate negotiated between the Federation and each State. b) Rights not exclusively given to the Federation are given to the States. 5) The Constitution is the most Supreme Law, of which all previous and future laws are bound. Laws, federal, state and local, that are found to be inconsistent with the Constitution by Courts of Law, shall have no effect. 6) I) Laws duly passed by the Parliament of Harlon and consistent with the Constitution shall supersede laws passed by the States or local governments when conflicts arise. These conflicts shall be settled in Courts of Law. 6) II) A “Law” is defined as an Act of Parliament, acts of devolved assemblies, and the Constitution itself, in portion or in full. 7) An Act of Parliament, or “Act” shall be described as a bill that has been accepted by a simple majority of both houses of Parliament and obtained Royal Assent. 8) A “Bill” is defined as a proposed law, which has not yet been accepted by the Parliament of Harlon as described by Law. 9) An “Amendment” is defined as a change in Law. There are two types of amendments: amendments to an Act and constitutional amendments. a) Any change to an Act of Parliament must be approved by a majority of Members in both houses of Parliament, as well as obtain Royal Assent. This includes changing an Act or repealing an Act. b) Any constitutional amendment, or change to the Constitution of Harlon, must be approved by the majority of Members in both houses of Parliament, obtain Royal Assent, and be followed by a referendum, whereby the majority of electors approve the amendment. The Constitution may be amended by: i) Adding an Article. ii) Changing an Article. iii) Repealing an Article.
Article IV - The Judiciary
1) The Supreme Court of Harlon shall be composed of three impartial Justices appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Senate. a) One of the three Justices shall be appointed Chief Justice. b) Justices shall serve at His Majesty’s Pleasure. 2) The Supreme Court of Harlon shall have the power of judicial review, and shall strike down laws inconsistent with this Constitution. 3) The Supreme Court of Harlon shall be the court of final appeal for both Federal and State Courts, and its decision shall establish precedence in both Federal and State law, consistent with the principles of Common Law. 4) At its discretion, Parliament may establish Federal Courts, whereas State Parliaments may establish State Courts. These courts will derive their judicial authority from the Supreme Court of Harlon, which shall have the final say regarding appeals, consistent with the principles of Common Law.
Article V - The Armed Forces
1) The Harlonian Defence Force shall serve as the unified armed forces of the Federation and consist of: a) The Harlonian Army, b) The Royal Harlonian Air Force, c) And the Royal Harlonian Navy, which shall also serve as the Coast Guard for the Federation. 2) Acts of Parliament shall specifically define titles and duties.
Article VI - The States
1) The Federation shall be a perpetual union of States, which shall be established by the ratification of this Constitution. 2) States shall be admitted to the Federation with a Treaty of Accession between the Parliament of Harlon and the State. a) States shall be admitted in an equal manner. 3) The Crown shall appoint Governors of States. If a State Parliament has been convened, then the appointment shall be on the advice of the Parliament of that State. a) The Free State of Sealand shall be excepted from this Section. The Head of State of Sealand shall be defined by its Treaty of Accession. b) States that consist only of a city and its surrounding suburbs shall have the ability to have a Mayor in place of a Governor, which may be elected by the people of that State. In that case, its State Parliament shall be bicameral, with a Legislative Council with equal authority to its lower house, and Councillors shall be appointed by the Senate of Harlon. 4) States shall accept documents in Full Faith and Credit from other States and the Federation. 5) All people regardless of residence or origin shall have the right to a free and fair trial in any State, and penalties shall be equal.
Article VII - Ratification
1) This Constitution shall be ratified with the consent of the Parliament of Harlon and the People of Harlon in a national referendum, and it shall apply to States when they ratify their Treaties of Accession.